Strauss, Mozart, Dvořák & Opera with Ballet - 04.10.2024 - 20:00

Strauss, Mozart, Dvořák & Opera with Ballet

04.10.2024 - 20:00

Genius loci of the most beautiful Art Nouveau building in the heart of Prague, the best of the works of Czech and world classical music masters, the breathtaking power of the sound of the leading Czech symphonic orchestra.

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Overture - The Magic Flute

W.A. Mozart

Aria Queen Of The Night – The Magic Flute

The alternation: Aria of Pamina – Ach ich fühl’s, es ist verschwunden – The Magic Flute
W.A. Mozart

A Little Night Music - I. Allegro

W.A. Mozart

Arie of Constance - Abduction from Seraglio

W.A. Mozart

Slavonic Dance No. 10


Polonaise - Opera Rusalka




My Mother Taught Me


Kaiser Waltzer (Emperor Waltz)


Pizzicato Polka


The Bat Arie – Mein Herr Marquis


Unter Donner Und Blitz (Thunder and Lightning Polka)


Radetzky March


Prague Music Orchestra

The love for music is in Czech genes. There is good reason for the saying: Every Czech is a musician. Czech musicians are rightly considered to be the absolute best in the interpretation of classical music in the world. Do you want to meet them live?Come to a concert of the Prague Music Orchestra chamber ensemble, which originated in the beginning of the 21st century and is one of the most renowned Czech musical ensembles today. It is distinguished by a unique, cultivated sound and it is a representative of highly appreciated interpretation art.

The orchestra is composed of players from leading Czech ensembles, such as the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra or the Prague Philharmonia. Our musicians play with passion and are ready to give you a unique and unforgettable experience.

Prague Music Orchestra is the home of soloists who are established musicians from the young, emerging Czech generation. They are the bearers and successors of the famous Czech musicality and musical precision.

Come and listen to the beautiful tones that resound through the unique environment of the Prague Municipal House. We look forward to seeing you!

Show address

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nám. Republiky 1090/5
110 00

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